Diesel Prices Are Down, But What’s the Bigger Picture?

For trucking companies that have been watching their expenses like a hawk, the…

The 7 Major Benefits of Freight Bill Factoring

Freight bill factoring is a popular financing option for trucking companies,…

Easing Supply Chain Issues and Tax Credits for Truck Drivers

The trucking industry is currently suffering from a major driver deficit. The…

Setting Liability Limits for Trucking Companies

For years, the trucking industry has been caught between a rock and a hard…

What Does It Take to Successfully Launch a Trucking Company?

Many owner-operators are taking the leap from hauling shipments by themselves…

New Trucking Companies: Finding Shipments and Dispatching

New trucking companies tend to work locally, but there is an ebb and flow to…

Insurance Company Rates Drive Across All Lanes with Trucking Industry

The American Transportation Research Institute reported that insurance premiums…

Will the Trucking Industry See the Federal Excise Tax Repealed?

For years, there have been initiatives to move the trucking industry away from…

Stop B2B Cash Flow Slowdowns

In the B2B arena, cash flow slowdowns are becoming more prevalent. Last year…

truck driving with a sunset

Starting Your Own Trucking Company: The Biggest Expenses

Starting a trucking company is profitable, and helps improve currently strained…